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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What to do wth a losing relationship?

Texts: Joel Escol

A losing relationship is one of the biggest problems nowadays of both lovers and couples, and experts say there are many factors we can consider for this kind of problem present in adult online dating sites.

Among the causes of a losing relationship includes financial and sex problems, family, business,and all other related dilemmas that couples are encountering during the course of their marriage or lovers also during the course of their relationships. Below are most effective activities you should do if you are losing a relationship.

1. Try to look back what had caused the problem. The past may have to do with this and you need to know it.

2. If it had to be a financial difficulty that the marriage suffers try to find solutions, either by looking for jobs or some other means you can save the marriage from failing.

3. To be continued.


  1. I think the worst enemy of a relationship is lack of commitment.

  2. You are correct Laneris. Commitment is one.

  3. I agree, commitment is one of MANY our there. Can't wait to see the rest of this post.

  4. just move on...there are good people out there, waiting for you, don't waste your time...if you have a kid together, that is another story...thanks!

  5. I am definitely a believer in commitment. If you find the "right one" marry them and then fight for your marriage. Every day won't be a bowl of roses but you can weather the storms together and be stronger and more in love because of it. Don't give up at the first sign of hardship - you will lose something valuable and irreplaceable.

  6. You will have to evaluate the situation. Is it possible to save it? What is the cause?

  7. These articles and blogs are genuinely sufficiency for me for a day. Relationship Issues With Ning Club


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